Trusted by 370+ leading brands

Engage top Microsoft talent perfectly matched to your needs
Savings on
development costs
That’s how much you could save on IT costs. Our global delivery model offers 24/7 onshore, nearshore, and offshore support—without the high costs or hassle.
Faster speed to
We assemble the right team exactly when you need them—in a matter of days—to help you move from idea to impact faster.
Get expert guidance from Microsoft-certified pros—backed in the field by dedicated Microsoft MVPs and solution architects—start to finish.
Client satisfaction
We set the bar high and never compromise your performance standards—that’s why over 370 brands trust our expertise and vouch for our reliable project delivery.
The most-loved brands in the world rely on OZ experts
Get exceptional results with certified Microsoft expertise

Their words, not ours
Hear what our customers have to say.

"The OZ team supports me really well—developers, engineers, testers—and they have great rates and great fees."
André Gowens
VP, Enterprise Architecture, AppDev, Data
Seminole Hard Rock

“OZ Digital Consulting is a critical technology partner for AdvancedRx, helping us build secure, scalable, state-of-the-art modern software applications.”
Ainsley Little
VP, Systems, AdvancedRx

“It was all hands on deck. We had everyone standing by to cope with whatever problems came up. Except, there weren’t any. The company received three calls about the new system, one of which was a compliment.”
Dr. Marc Fishman
Founder, OncoHealth

Whether you’re looking to modernize your operations, optimize your technology, or augment your staff, we only recommend what’s best for your business.
Hiring permanent employees is expensive and time-consuming. Tap into our Microsoft expertise and cutting-edge technologies—when and where you need it most.
Build your AI capabilities and teams—with ours. Explore our suite of Microsoft AI solutions to automate tasks, improve decision-making, and unlock new growth.
Data &
Your business is ready for AI—but your data? Get more out of your data with our Microsoft-powered solutions—and never miss an insight into your customers, product, or business.
Scale fast and save big on cloud development with our 24/7 support and cost-savings built right into our solutions.
Unlock the potential of Microsoft Power Platform, AI, and Copilots. We’ll help you integrate low-cost, low-code/no-code apps with other systems and data sources—quickly and easily.
Got more systems, applications, and data than you can handle? We have the experts to bring them all together—at a fraction of the cost—and give you the insights you need to grow your business.
From initial discovery to project execution and continuous performance monitoring, work with our experts to uncover inefficiencies and savings through automation and AI.
From custom app development to cloud integration, we empower you to build, optimize, and future-proof your applications quickly and cost-effectively.
OZWay: The path to success starts here
Digital transformation is as much about people as it is about processes, tools and technologies.
In 2024, we invested $1M and our team members spent 18k hours on Microsoft/Azure training. The result: elite global talent.

Field teams have direct access to our in-house Microsoft MVPs to help them cross any project hurdles they may face.

We live by “innovate or die.” It pushes us to explore tech trends and create accelerators, frameworks, and reusable components that reduce costs and improve delivery—know-how that’s yours when the project ends.

Find out more about the latest Microsoft technologies, topics, and trends.
Frequently Asked Questions
Find answers to common questions around how we work and what to expect when you partner with us.