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Ready to finally close the door on the “Office of No”? Here’s how.


Though only a couple weeks have passed since we announced that our own Chief Solutions Officer Manny Ramos has joined the ranks of the Forbes Technology Council—an invitation-only organization that brings together senior-level technology executives to share and deepen their “deep knowledge and diverse expertise”—the partnership is already bearing fruit.

In his first piece for the site, “How CISOs Can Close the Door on the Office of No,” Ramos argues that “security, though extremely important, need not be an insurmountable obstacle to progress.”

Ramos continues:

Much of the work we do with our customers is around enabling organization-wide conversations to develop a framework for maintaining security while achieving enterprise objectives.

Rather than constantly butting up against a “no,” the CISO and the rest of the organization should work on ways to conduct necessary business processes even as it continues to enable and execute robust security protocols.

To this end, the CISO team should view themselves as evangelists for security.

Read the rest here.