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8 RPA Best Practices for Your P&C Insurance Company Processes

8 RPA Best Practices for Your P&C Insurance Company Processes

Robotic Process Automation, more commonly called RPA, may conjure up to the uninitiated images of full-sized automatons unleashing their Artificial Intelligence (AI) to replace humans, performing perfectly and tirelessly on to the end of time. While AI and robotics are definitely integral to RPA, they are more servants than masters. In a sense, they do replace humans by relieving them of repetitive and boring tasks, consequently freeing them to fully realize their true potential within the company. In other words, robots are the ideal mindless workforce because they simply follow instructions with impressive precision and speed; and the human workforce is finally released from labor practices that dampen the imagination and discourage independent and creative thinking.

The best RPA candidates are those processes that are repeatable, require few or no changes between iterations, and offer clear documentation. Over time, most companies realize that there are many processes that qualify for RPA, making it an ongoing and integral aspect of business operations. Businesses that have already implemented RPA best practices are certainly reaping the benefits of such a savvy decision, including the following:

  • Digital Transformation – RPA brings the technology needed to undergo a digital transformation process while doing the grunt work necessary to bring about solutions that help to reshape and inform companies on into the future.
  • Empowered Workforce – Through the implementation of RPA best practices, tasks involving rote actions are handed to competent machines and frees up individuals to pursue true growth and learning, all the while creating deeper company affinity and appreciation.
  • Improved Accuracy – Even the most adept human can miss a beat, particularly when it involves repetitive chores which quickly become boring, whereas machines seem to thrive on such inane tasks
  • Streamlined Processes – Attaining peak performance is possible on two fronts: machines are churning out work at a steady rapid pace and the human workforce is also surpassing goals since they are no longer hindered by slow and error-prone processes, but instead have information and guidance instantly at their fingertips.

Companies that have not yet adopted RPA technology are not too far behind those companies already employing RPA technologies but who are not fully utilizing their features and capabilities. It is only when RPA best practices are implemented that the real power and value of RPA is fully realized.

These RPA Best Practices Can Optimize Your Insurance Company Processes

Thanks to the incredible versatility and potential for RPA to transform business operations, increase revenues, deepen employee ties, and strengthen customer loyalty, there are multiple RPA best practices that can help an enterprise attain those goals, especially with vigorous attention and flexible responses.

The following approaches are proven RPA best practices all businesses should readily and regularly apply:

  • Auditing and Tracking – The simple process of logging all RPA activity can reveal a wealth of information while also acting as the ultimate overseer able to identify and resolve issues before they become problems.
  • Breaking Down Processes – Businesses are complex, as are many of their processes. It is vital to break down more complex tasks into manageable and simple steps to get the most out of RPA.
  • Careful Activity Selection – Prioritizing the importance and necessity of each business activity that will convert to an RPA process is a key factor for a smoother overall RPA transformation.
  • Configurable File Creations – Any automated process needs to offer sufficient flexibility so that workers can get their job done; being able to configure simple data inputs like file paths and document names helps those robots truly serve their human masters.
  • Error Management – Properly structured automation processes must be able to identify erroneous inputs and offer logical and clear explanations and solutions instead of coming to a full halt when a command is not recognized.
  • High-Level Frameworks – A process design document will capture the finest details of a manual process, crucial to instructing a machine how to competently and accurately perform important repetitive assignments.
  • Manage Reusable Components – There is no reason a human user should have to repeat actions, including logging in, checking email, and validating data. This is a perfect RPA example of supporting the human workforce in every possible manner.
  • Streamline Workflow Readability – When defining workflows, do not hesitate to provide clear and logical names to files, activities, data variables, and data arguments. Not only does this help the original author track past work but informs others of important RPA nuances.

Ready To Take Your Business To A New Level?

These 8 RPA best practices give any business committed to their future success and relevance the perfect path to attain that goal. OZ is a leading collaborator of enterprises serious about optimal RPA implementation, Find out how easy it is to get on board for your own business transformation.