“Did you wake up as a kid one day and say, ‘Hey, I love the insurance industry’?”
On the latest episode of Transformation Matters OZ Chief Transformation Officer Paul J. Bailo gets right to the point with Maxwell Insurance CEO and Founder/InnSure Managing Director Christopher Lowell…who doesn’t miss a beat.
“There are very few people—I’m not sure I’ve met any—who grow up thinking, ‘I want to jump into insurance,’” Lowell replies.
“But I love the industry. And I think today it is one of the most interesting, exciting places to be right now…The insurance industry has remained relatively similar throughout the nineteenth and twentieth centuries and the first years of this current century while other industries progressed in ways in which insurance has been a little bit behind. But the next thirty years will be fully dedicated to putting more capital, data, and technology into insurance.”
The eye-opening conversation about those coming thirty years is well worth your time.
To learn more about OZ’s leading-edge insurance industry work, click here.