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Towards a “Single Source of Truth”: OZ’s Mark Smith on AI Luminaries

Oz Digital Consulting Industry

OZ’s Mark Smith takes to the AI Luminaries podcast to explain exactly how your enterprise can navigate & win in a digital-first future


In an era characterized by near-constant disruption and dynamism, the prospect of plotting an organizational migration from a comfort zone of legacy architecture to digital-first frontiers can inspire as much trepidation and “analysis paralysis” as excitement in the hearts of entrepreneurs and business leaders.

“It’s like drinking from a fire hose,” OZ Global Insurance Practice President, Mark Smith, acknowledges in the lively and edifying conversation with Amelia/IPsoft Global Head of Analyst Relations, Alistair Agnew, on the AI Luminaries podcast embedded below.

And yet whether speaking about insurance data aggregation, the revolution sentiment analysis will bring to conversational AI, or simply how leaders can “rearchitect” for a more prosperous and competitively advantageous future, the actionable advice and visionary outlook Smith presents here definitely places a heavy—and welcome—thumb on the aspiration side of the scale.

You will, in short, very likely find yourself inspired to run toward the future, not hide from it.

“You have a lot of emerging technologies out there” Smith says. “Artificial intelligence. Natural language processing. A number of new capabilities on the market with regard to analytics and data mining. And then the data landscape has also significantly evolved in terms of big data, third-party data, and unstructured data. The big challenge is organizational change management. So, either we’re reactive or proactive…[as we] begin leveraging these emergent technologies to transform and innovate, adapting to constantly changing expectations and environments [while] driving digital transformation…toward a single source of truth.”

To learn more about the many ways OZ can help you do precisely that, check out the podcast below and then visit our services and solutions pages.